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Molasses Flax Bread

    2 tbsp yeast
    1 1/4 cup water
    1 tsp sugar
    1 cup buttermilk
    2 tbsp canola oil
    1/4 cup molasses
    1/4 cup maple syrup
    2 tsp salt
    1 cup flax meal
    3 cups whole wheat flour
    3 cups all purpose flour

Sprinkle yeast over warm water and sugar and let stand in warm place for 10 minutes or until yeast is dissolved. When dissolved stir in buttermilk, canola oil, molasses, syrup, salt and flax meal. Add 3 cups of whole wheat flour and 2 cups of white flour to form a sticky dough. Knead for 8 - 10 miutes while working in the remaining 1 cup flour. Put in oiled bowl, turn to oil top and let rise until double in size. Punch down, divide in half and either shape into round loaves on baking sheets or put in two 5x9 inch loaf pans. Let rise again. Bake at 375 - 400°F for 30 minutes. Mix a mixture of 1 tbsp melted margarine and 1 tbsp maple syrup and brush baked loaves. Dust with corn meal.

16 servings

Recipe compliments of Canola Info