Minnesota Canola Production Centre

In the late 1980s, the Canola Council of Canada initiated Canola Production Centres (CPCs) to address the ongoing need for canola production technology transfer. The CPCs were a joint effort between producer groups, industry representatives, and government and extension personnel. The unique aspect of CPCs was its field scale agronomic trials utilizing commercial farm equipment which better represented the crop conditions experienced by producers.

In 1997, the Minnesota Canola Council sought funding for a joint CPC project between the Minnesota Canola Council, University of Minnesota, and the Canola Council of Canada. The purpose of the project was to establish a Canola Production Centre site in Minnesota. The role of the Canola Council of Canada was to provide technical expertise and supervisory support. This helped ensure that activities at this site would be consistent with activities at the Canadian CPCs. Funding for the project was approved in April 1998 and the Minnesota Canola Production Centre was born.

Since that time, the Minnesota Canola Production Centre has evolved into a research site which incorporates both large and small plot research trials which address the highest priority research needs within the canola industry in Minnesota.

In 2023, the Minnesota CPC was located at Northern Resources Co-op in Roseau, MN. The trials included: 1) variety and systems comparison; 2) seed shattering; 3) micronutrient fertility management in high yield canola; 4) evaluation of soil applied herbicides followed by postemergence herbicides to reduce the potential development of herbicide resistant weeds; and 5) evaluation of current and novel insecticide seed treatments in canola.

The 2023 Minnesota Canola Council annual field day and golf outing was held in July.

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