Sclerotinia Risk in Canola Forecast Program

The Sclerotinia Risk in Canola Forecast Program is a valuable tool to help producers assess the risk of sclerotinia in canola. The forecasting program was developed by the North Dakota State University canola pathology program with support from the National Sclerotinia Initiative, the Northern Canola Growers Association, and the Minnesota Canola Council. While the information presented by this program is based on data generated through extensive research, it is only intended to serve as a guide for growers.

This forecasting program has two components: 1) a general risk map; and 2) a risk calculator. The general risk map uses weather information to estimate risk of disease development throughout the canola growing areas in Minnesota and North Dakota. This map is updated twice weekly starting in early-June and continuing through the canola flowering period.

The risk calculator combines information on cultural practices and the field history of sclerotinia with weather information retrieved from the nearest NDAWN weather station to estimate the risk of disease development for a specific field. To access the risk calculator visitors are asked to set up an account and to provide information pertinent to the field of their interest.

To view current risk maps click here.

(Example maps shown here, for current maps click here.)